UxrInterpolationSettings Constructor (Single, Single, UxrEasing, UxrLoopMode, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

UxrInterpolationSettings constructor.

Namespace: UltimateXR.Animation.Interpolation
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public UxrInterpolationSettings(
	float durationSeconds,
	float delaySeconds = 0f,
	UxrEasing easing = UxrEasing.Linear,
	UxrLoopMode loopMode = UxrLoopMode.None,
	float loopedDurationSeconds = -1f,
	bool useUnscaledTime = false,
	bool delayUsingEndValue = false



Type: System.Single
The duration in seconds the interpolation will be applied. If a loopMode was specified, it tells the duration of a single loop.
delaySeconds (Optional)
Type: System.Single
The delay in seconds before the interpolation
easing (Optional)
Type: UltimateXR.Animation.Interpolation.UxrEasing
The type of interpolation used.
loopMode (Optional)
Type: UltimateXR.Animation.Interpolation.UxrLoopMode
The type of looping used.
loopedDurationSeconds (Optional)
Type: System.Single
If loopMode is not LoopMode.None this parameter will tell how many seconds the total duration of the interpolation will last and durationSeconds will tell the duration of each loop. A negative value means it will loop forever.
useUnscaledTime (Optional)
Type: System.Boolean
Tells whether to use the real timer value unscaledTime (true) or the scaled time value (false) which is affected by timeScale.
delayUsingEndValue (Optional)
Type: System.Boolean
Tells whether to use the interpolation end value during the delay, if there is a delaySeconds specified. By default it’s false, which means the interpolation start value is used during the delay.

See Also


UxrInterpolationSettings Class
UxrInterpolationSettings Overload
UltimateXR.Animation.Interpolation Namespace