UltimateXR.Avatar.Controllers Namespace


Public classUxrAvatarController Base class for UxrAvatar controllers. UxrAvatarController components are responsible for updating the avatar. UltimateXR provides the UxrStandardAvatarController which has great functionality. For flexibility and scalability, different avatar controllers can be created if required.
Public classUxrAvatarControllerEvent Describes an event that maps an XR controller input to a hand pose. This allows to show different poses when certain buttons are pressed. It also allows to describe which poses need to be used when grabbing or pointing with the finger.
Public classUxrFingerPointingVolume Component that describes a box volume where any UxrAvatar hand that gets inside automatically adopts a finger pointing pose. This is useful to place in front of UI screens or where precise finger pressing interaction is required.
Public classUxrHandPoseVolume Component that describes a box volume where any UxrAvatar hand that gets inside automatically adopts a given hand pose.
Public classUxrStandardAvatarControllerUxrAvatarController default implementation provided by UltimateXR to update user-controlled avatars. It is in charge of updating the avatar in the correct order, granting access to all features in the framework. By adding it to a GameObject with an UxrAvatar component, it will automatically update the avatar each frame.


Public enumerationUxrAnimationType Enumerates the different well-known hand animation types (poses).
Public enumerationUxrEventVarAction Enumerates possible actions over an Animator component. Used by UxrStandardAvatarController.