UxrGrabbableObject.Placing Event
Event called when the object is about to be placed. An object is placed when the last grip is released and there is a compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor near enough to place it on. The following properties from UxrManipulationEventArgs will contain meaningful data:
- GrabbableObject: Object that is about to be removed.
- GrabbableAnchor: Anchor where the object is currently placed.
- Grabber: Grabber that is about to remove the object by grabbing it. This can be null if the object is removed through code using RemoveObjectFromAnchor(UxrGrabbableObject, Boolean), RemoveFromAnchor(Boolean) or RemoveObject(Boolean)>
- GrabPointIndex: Only if the object is being removed by grabbing it: Grab point index of the object that is about to be grabbed by the UxrGrabber.
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:
public event EventHandler<UxrManipulationEventArgs> Placing
Type: System.EventHandler(UxrManipulationEventArgs)