UxrGrabbableObject Class

Component that, added to a GameObject, will enable the object to be grabbed by the UxrGrabber components found in the hands of an UxrAvatar. Some of the main features of grabbable objects are:  

  • Manipulation is handled automatically by the UxrGrabManager. There is no special requirement to enable it in a scene, the grab manager will be available as soon as it is invoked.
  • Grabbable objects can be grabbed, released and placed. Releasing an object means dropping it mid-air, while placing it is releasing an object close enough to a compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor.
  • Objects can be grabbed from different grab points.
  • Additionally, grab points can be expanded using UxrGrabPointShape components opening up more complex manipulation by describing grab points as composite shapes.
  • Although all avatars that have UxrGrabber components are able to interact with UxrGrabbableObject objects, it is possible to register the way specific avatars will interact with it. This allows to specify snap points and poses for different avatars and make sure that all have precise and realistic manipulation.
  • The Hand Pose Editor can create poses that are used by UxrGrabbableObject in order to tell how objects are grabbed. The inspector window will preview grab poses and enable editing them.
  • Events such as Grabbed, Released and Placed allow to write logic when a user interacts with the object. Each has pre and post events.
  • ConstraintsApplying, ConstraintsApplied and ConstraintsFinished allow to program more complex logic when grabbing objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: UltimateXR.Manipulation
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public class UxrGrabbableObject : UxrComponent<UxrGrabbableObject>, 

The UxrGrabbableObject type exposes the following members.


Public methodUxrGrabbableObject


Public propertyAllowMultiGrab Gets whether the object can be grabbed with more than one hand.
Public propertyControlParentDirection Gets or sets whether a dependent object can control the grabbable parent’s direction when both are being grabbed at the same time.
Public propertyCurrentAnchor Gets the UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor where the object is actually placed or null if it’s not placed on any.
Public propertyDropAlignTransform Gets the Transform that needs to align with a UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor when placing the object on it.
Public propertyDropProximityTransform Gets the Transform that will be used to compute the distance to UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor components when looking for the closest available to place it.
Public propertyDropSnapMode Gets how the object will align with a UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor when placing it.
Public propertyFirstGrabPointIsMain Gets or sets whether the first grab point in the list is the main grab in objects with more than one grab point. When an object is grabbed with both hands, the main grab controls the actual position while the secondary grab controls the direction. Set it to true in objects like a rifle, where the trigger hand should be the first grab in order to keep the object in place, and the front grab will control the aiming direction. If false, the grab point order is irrelevant and the hand that grabbed the object first will be considered as the main grab.
Public propertyGrabbableParentDependency Gets the Transform that the object is dependent on, when the grabbable object has another above in its hierarchy.
Public propertyGrabPointCount Gets the total number of grab points.
Public propertyHasGrabbableParentDependency Gets if the object has constraints and at the same time has a grabbable parent. This means that the object can either be considered as another grabbable part of the parent object or a separate grabbable object that is just attached to the parent object but has no control over it. The former are movable parts in a composite object while the latter are independent grabbable objects that happen to be in the hierarchy.
Public propertyHasRotationConstraint Gets whether the object has a rotation constraint.
Public propertyHasTranslationConstraint Gets whether the object has a translation constraint.
Public propertyHorizontalReleaseMultiplier Gets the horizontal velocity factor that will be applied to the object when being thrown.
Public propertyIgnoreGrabbableParentDependency Gets or sets whether to ignore the grabbable parent dependency. UsesGrabbableParentDependency.
Public propertyIsBeingGrabbed Gets whether the object is being grabbed.
Public propertyIsConstrained Gets whether the object has translation/rotation constraints.
Public propertyIsGrabbable Gets or sets whether the object can be grabbed.
Public propertyIsKinematic Gets or sets whether the rigidbody that drives the object (if any) is kinematic.
Public propertyIsLockedInPlace Gets or sets whether the object can be moved/rotated. A locked in place object may be grabbed but cannot be moved.
Public propertyIsPlaceable Gets or sets whether the object can be placed on an UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor.
Public propertyLimitedRangeOfMotionRotationAxes Gets the local axes that the object can rotate around with limited range of motion (not freely, nor locked).
Public propertyLockedGrabReleaseDistance Gets the distance that the real hand needs to have to the virtual hand in order for the object grip to be released automatically. This happens when a grabbed object has a range of movement and the grip is pulled too far from a valid position.
Public propertyNeedsTwoHandsToRotate Gets whether the object requires both hands grabbing it in order to rotate it.
Public propertyPriority Gets or sets the object priority. The priority is used to control which object will be grabbed when multiple objects are in reach and the user performs the grab gesture. The default behaviour is to use the distance and orientation to the objects in reach to select the one with the closest grip. The priority can override this behaviour by selecting the one with the highest priority value. By default all objects have priority 0.
Public propertyRangeOfMotionRotationAxes Gets the local axes that the object can rotate around.
Public propertyRangeOfMotionRotationAxisCount Gets the number of axes that the object can rotate around.
Public propertyRestrictToBox Gets or sets the box collider used When TranslationConstraint is RestrictToBox.
Public propertyRestrictToSphere Gets or sets the sphere collider used When TranslationConstraint is RestrictToSphere.
Public propertyRigidBodyDynamicOnRelease Gets whether the object’s RigidBodySource will be made dynamic when the object grip is released.
Public propertyRigidBodySource Specifies the rigidbody component that controls the grabbable object when it is in dynamic (physics-enabled) mode.
Public propertyRotationAngleLimitsMax Gets or sets the rotational maximum limits in local space when RotationConstraint is RestrictLocalRotation.
Public propertyRotationAngleLimitsMin Gets or sets the rotational minimum limits in local space when RotationConstraint is RestrictLocalRotation.
Public propertyRotationConstraint Gets or sets the rotation constraint type.
Public propertyRotationLongitudinalAxis Gets or sets which one is the longitudinal axis (x, y or z) in a rotation with constraints on two or more axes.
Public propertyRotationProvider Gets or sets the rotation provider. The rotation provider is used in objects with constrained position to know which element drives the rotation.
Public propertyRotationResistance Gets or sets the resistance to the object being rotated. This can be used to smooth out the rotation but also to simulate heavy objects.
Public propertySingleRotationAxisDegrees Gets or sets the rotation angle in degrees for objects that have a single rotational degree of freedom.
Public propertySingleRotationAxisIndex Gets the index of the rotation axis if the object can only rotate around that single axis. Will return any of these values: (x = 0, y = 1, z = 2, none or more than one = -1).
Public propertyStartAnchor Gets the starting UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor the object is placed on.
Public propertyTag String that identifies which UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor components are compatible for placement. A UxrGrabbableObject can be placed on an UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor only if:  
Public propertyTranslationConstraint Gets or sets the translation constraint.
Public propertyTranslationLimitsMax Gets or sets the translation maximum limits in local space when TranslationConstraint is RestrictLocalOffset.
Public propertyTranslationLimitsMin Gets or sets the translation minimum limits in local space when TranslationConstraint is RestrictLocalOffset.
Public propertyTranslationResistance Gets or sets the resistance to the object being moved around. This can be used to smooth out the position but also to simulate heavy objects.
Public propertyUseParenting Gets or sets whether to parent the object to the UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor being placed. Also whether to set the parent to null when grabbing the object from one.
Public propertyUsesGrabbableParentDependency

Gets whether the object has a parent dependency (HasGrabbableParentDependency is true) and is using it through _ignoreGrabbableParentDependency in the inspector.

When a grabbable object that has position/rotation constraints hangs from a hierarchy where another grabbable object is somewhere above, the child grabbable object can either be:  

  • Dependent (_ignoreGrabbableParentDependency is false): The object is considered as another part of the parent grabbable object. It will be constrained by its parent object and can optionally also control the parent’s direction when both are being grabbed.
  • Independent (_ignoreGrabbableParentDependency is true): The object is considered as a separate entity where it just happens to be placed under the hierarchy.
Public propertyVerticalReleaseMultiplier Gets the vertical velocity factor that will be applied to the object when being thrown.


Protected methodAwake Initializes the object and creates the UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor the object is placed on initially if _autoCreateStartAnchor is set. (Overrides UxrComponent<T>.Awake().)
Public methodCanBeGrabbedByGrabber Checks whether the object can be grabbed by a UxrGrabber.
Public methodCanBePlacedOnAnchor(UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor) Checks whether the object is near enough to be placed on the given UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor.
Public methodCanBePlacedOnAnchor(UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor, Single) Checks whether the object is near enough to be placed on the given UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor.
Public methodCheckAndApplyLockHand Locks all hands that are currently grabbing the given object using a grab point if necessary. This is used to keep the grips in place after the object has been moved or constrained.
Public methodCheckAndApplyLockHands Locks all hands that are currently grabbing the object if necessary. This is used to keep the grips in place after the object has been moved or constrained.
Public methodComputeRequiredGrabberTransform Computes the position/rotation that a UxrGrabber would have to hold the object using the current position/orientation.
Public methodEditor_CheckRegisterAvatarsInNewGrabPoints If we add new grab points from the editor, we want to make sure that all avatars are registered in those new entries. This method makes sure that the avatars are registered in all grab points.
Public methodEditor_GetAllRegisteredAvatarGrabAlignTransforms() Gets all the transforms used for alignment with the registered avatars.
Public methodEditor_GetAllRegisteredAvatarGrabAlignTransforms(UxrAvatar, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Gets all the align transforms of a given registered avatar and hand.
Public methodEditor_GetGrabAlignTransformAvatar Gets the prefab avatar that is used for the given grip snap transform. If there is more than one the first is returned.
Public methodEditor_GetGrabPointGrabAlignTransform Gets the Transform used for alignment when the given avatar grabs a point using a given hand.
Public methodEditor_GetGrabPointsForGrabAlignTransform Gets the grab point indices that use the given Transform for alignment when interacting with an avatar.
Public methodEditor_GetRegisteredAvatarsGuids Gets the avatar prefab GUIDs that have been registered to have dedicated grip parameters to grab the object.
Public methodEditor_GetSelectedAvatarPrefabForGrips Gets the editor currently selected avatar prefab whose grip parameters are being edited.
Public methodEditor_GetSelectedAvatarPrefabGuidForGrips Gets the editor currently selected avatar prefab GUID whose grip parameters are being edited.
Public methodEditor_HasGrabPointWithGrabAlignTransform(Transform) Checks whether the object has a grab point with the given Transform for alignment.
Public methodEditor_HasGrabPointWithGrabAlignTransform(Transform, GameObject) Checks whether the object has a grab point with the given Transform for alignment registered using the given prefab.
Public methodEditor_RegisterAvatarForGrips Registers a new avatar to have grips on this object. If the avatar is an instance it will register its source prefab, otherwise it will register the avatar prefab itself. The reason to register the prefab is so that child prefabs/instances will be able to use the same poses.
Public methodEditor_RemoveAvatarFromGrips Removes an avatar that was registered for grip poses. If the avatar is an instance it will unregister its source prefab, otherwise it will unregister the avatar prefab itself.
Public methodEditor_SetSelectedAvatarForGrips Sets the editor currently selected avatar prefab whose grip parameters will be edited.
Public methodEnableAllGrabPoints Re-enables all disabled grab points by SetGrabPointEnabled(Int32, Boolean).
Public methodGetAutoRotationProvider Tries to infer the most appropriate UxrRotationProvider to rotate the object based on the shape and size of the object, and the grip.
Public methodGetDistanceFromGrabber Computes the distance from the object to a UxrGrabber, which is the component found in UxrAvatar hands that are able to grab objects.
Public methodGetGrabPoint Gets a given grab point information.
Public methodGetMostProbableLongitudinalRotationAxis Tries to get the longitudinal rotation axis of the grabbable object. If it hasn’t been defined by the user (on objects where RangeOfMotionRotationAxisCount is less than 2.
Protected methodOnDisable Unsubscribes from events. (Overrides UxrComponent<T>.OnDisable().)
Protected methodOnEnable Subscribes to events. (Overrides UxrComponent<T>.OnEnable().)
Public methodPlaceOnAnchor Places the object on the currently specified anchor by CurrentAnchor.
Public methodReleaseGrabs Releases the object from all its grabs if there are any.
Public methodRemoveFromAnchor Removes the object from the anchor it is placed on, if any.
Protected methodReset Resets the component. (Overrides UxrComponent.Reset().)
Public methodResetPositionAndState Resets the object to its initial position/rotation and state. If the object is currently being grabbed, it will be released.
Public methodSetGrabPointEnabled Enables or disables the possibility to use the given grab point.
Protected methodStart Performs additional initialization. (Overrides UxrComponent.Start().)


Public eventConstraintsApplied Event called right after applying the position/rotation constraints to the object. This can be used to apply custom constraints to the object.
Public eventConstraintsApplying Event called right before applying the position/rotation constraints to the object.
Public eventConstraintsFinished Event called right after all ConstraintsApplied finished.
Public eventGrabbed Event called right after the object was grabbed. The grab event parameters use the same values as Grabbing.
Public eventGrabbing Event called when the object is about to be grabbed. The following properties from UxrManipulationEventArgs will contain meaningful data:  
  • GrabbableObject: Object that is about to be grabbed.
  • GrabbableAnchor: Target where the object is currently placed. Null if it isn’t on an anchor.
  • Grabber: Grabber that is about to grab the object.
  • GrabPointIndex: Grab point index of the object that is about to be grabbed.
  • IsMultiHands: true if it is already being grabbed with one hand and it will be grabbed with both hands after. False if no hand is currently grabbing it.
Public eventPlaced Event called right after the object was placed. An object is placed when the last grip is released and there is a compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor near enough to place it on. The grab event parameters use the same values as Placed.
Public eventPlacing Event called when the object is about to be placed. An object is placed when the last grip is released and there is a compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor near enough to place it on. The following properties from UxrManipulationEventArgs will contain meaningful data:  
Public eventReleased Event called right after the object was released. An object is released when the last grip is released and there is no compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor near enough to place it on. The grab event parameters use the same values as Releasing.
Public eventReleasing Event called when the object is about to be released. An object is released when the last grip is released and there is no compatible UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor near enough to place it on. The following properties from UxrManipulationEventArgs will contain meaningful data:  
  • GrabbableObject: Object that is about to be released.
  • GrabbableAnchor: Anchor where the object was originally grabbed from. Null if it wasn’t on a target.
  • Grabber: Grabber that is about to release the object.
  • GrabPointIndex: Grab point index of the object that is being grabbed by the UxrGrabber.
  • IsMultiHands: true if it is already being grabbed with another hand that will keep it holding. False if no other hand is currently grabbing it.
  • IsSwitchHands: True if it was released because another UxrGrabber grabbed it, false otherwise. if IsMultiHands is true then IsSwitchHands will tell if it was released by both hands (false) or if it was just released by one hand and the other one still keeps it grabbed (true).
  • ReleaseVelocity: Velocity the object is being released with.
  • ReleaseAngularVelocity: Angular velocity the object is being released with.


Public fieldStatic memberConstrainSeconds Seconds it takes to smoothly transition an object to or from its space constraints.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultAvatarName Used by the editor to identify the default avatar when no avatars have been registered for grips.
Public fieldStatic memberDistanceOffsetByAngle How much a difference in angle will offset the distance at which we compute a grabbable object from a grabber. Objects that are not so well aligned with the grabber will be considered slightly farther away by(angle* DistanceOffsetByAngle) units, this means in the [0, 0.05] range. This will favor grabbing objects that are better aligned when there are two or more at similar distances.
Public fieldStatic memberHandLockSeconds Seconds it takes to smoothly transition a hand to or from a locked grab (a grab that forces to move the hand bone out of its natural position because the object is constrained in space).
Public fieldStatic memberLeftGrabPoseMeshSuffix Used by the editor to prefix the left grab pose mesh.
Public fieldStatic memberObjectAlignmentSeconds Seconds it takes to smoothly transition an object from/to the hand.
Public fieldStatic memberRightGrabPoseMeshSuffix Used by the editor to prefix the right grab pose mesh.

Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodCheckSetEnabled Enables/disabled the component if it isn’t enabled already. (Defined by MonoBehaviourExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddComponent<T> Gets the Component of a given type. If it doesn’t exist, it is added to the GameObject. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetPathUnderScene Gets the full path under current scene, including all parents, but scene name, for the given component. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetSceneUid Gets an unique identifier string for the given component. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetUniqueScenePath Gets an unique path in the scene for the given component. It will include scene name, sibling and component indices to make it unique. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodLoopCoroutine Creates a coroutine that simplifies executing a loop during a certain amount of time. (Defined by MonoBehaviourExt.)
Public Extension MethodSafeGetComponentInParent<T> Gets the Component of a given type in the GameObject or any of its parents. It also works on prefabs, where regular GetComponentInParent(Type, Boolean) will not work: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/getcomponentinparent-is-returning-null-when-the-gameobject-is-a-prefab (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodShowInInspector(Boolean)Overloaded.
Controls whether to show the current object in the inspector. (Defined by ObjectExt.)
Public Extension MethodShowInInspector(Boolean, Boolean)Overloaded.
Controls whether to show the current object in the inspector and whether it is editable. (Defined by ObjectExt.)
Public Extension MethodThrowIfNull Throws an exception if the object is null. (Defined by ObjectExt.)

See Also


UltimateXR.Manipulation Namespace