UxrObjectBlink Class

Component that allows to make objects blink using their material’s emission channel.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: UltimateXR.Animation.GameObjects
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public class UxrObjectBlink : UxrComponent

The UxrObjectBlink type exposes the following members.


Public methodUxrObjectBlink


Public propertyIsBlinking Gets whether the object is currently blinking.


Protected methodAwake Initializes the component. (Overrides UxrComponent.Awake().)
Public methodStatic memberCheckBlinking Checks whether the given GameObject has any blinking animation running.
Protected methodOnDisable Stops blinking. (Overrides UxrComponent.OnDisable().)
Protected methodOnEnable When re-enabled, starts blinking again with the current parameters. (Overrides UxrComponent.OnEnable().)
Public methodSetup Sets up the blinking animation parameters.
Public methodStatic memberStartBlinking Starts a blinking animation using the emission material of an object.
Public methodStartBlinkingWithCurrentParameters Starts or restarts the blinking animation using the current parameters.
Public methodStatic memberStopBlinking Stops a blinking animation on an object if it has any.

Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodCheckSetEnabled Enables/disabled the component if it isn’t enabled already. (Defined by MonoBehaviourExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddComponent<T> Gets the Component of a given type. If it doesn’t exist, it is added to the GameObject. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetPathUnderScene Gets the full path under current scene, including all parents, but scene name, for the given component. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetSceneUid Gets an unique identifier string for the given component. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodGetUniqueScenePath Gets an unique path in the scene for the given component. It will include scene name, sibling and component indices to make it unique. (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodLoopCoroutine Creates a coroutine that simplifies executing a loop during a certain amount of time. (Defined by MonoBehaviourExt.)
Public Extension MethodSafeGetComponentInParent<T> Gets the Component of a given type in the GameObject or any of its parents. It also works on prefabs, where regular GetComponentInParent(Type, Boolean) will not work: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/getcomponentinparent-is-returning-null-when-the-gameobject-is-a-prefab (Defined by ComponentExt.)
Public Extension MethodShowInInspector(Boolean)Overloaded.
Controls whether to show the current object in the inspector. (Defined by ObjectExt.)
Public Extension MethodShowInInspector(Boolean, Boolean)Overloaded.
Controls whether to show the current object in the inspector and whether it is editable. (Defined by ObjectExt.)
Public Extension MethodThrowIfNull Throws an exception if the object is null. (Defined by ObjectExt.)

See Also


UltimateXR.Animation.GameObjects Namespace